Tiny Earth-Like Planet Discovered Close to Our Solar System

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The nearest Earth-sized exoplanet to our Solar System is a little world dubbed LTT 1445 Ac, which is about 22 light-years distant.

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LTT 1445 Ac is an Earth analogue for scientific research since it has a mass and radius that are around 1.37 and 1.07 times that of Earth, respectively.

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Its likeness to Earth, although being too hot for life, allows scientists to investigate the evolution of planets and the differences between Earth-like worlds.

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Because of the gravitational pull from three stars, the exoplanet is part of a unique system called a trinary system, which presents difficulties for observations.

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To understand an exoplanet scientists require two types of measurements: transit data and radial velocity data.

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While radial velocity data indicates an exoplanet's mass and helps establish its density and composition, transit data provides the exoplanet's radius.

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LTT 1445 Ac was first detected by the exoplanet-hunting TESS telescope, but a more precise study required higher resolution transit data.

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Scientists were able to witness transits and measure the exoplanet's diameter with high clarity thanks in large part to the Hubble Space Telescope.

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