Can Spd Pregnancy Workout Relieve Your From The Unbearable

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Discover safe and effective SPD pregnancy workout routines designed to reduce SPD symptoms and strengthen the body.

SPD pregnancy workout is done to offset the pain that comes with SPD. Having a baby comes with a lot of changes, most of which affect the pelvis. A pregnant woman’s pelvis modifies itself to accommodate the baby growing inside and it often leads to her pelvic joints becoming stiff in the front or back of the pelvis, or they begin to move unevenly. This is either called symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP).

Stiff pelvic joints or pelvic joints moving unevenly can make a pregnant woman’s pelvis unstable and will cause her great discomfort when she walks, sits, and sleeps too. But then, there are a couple of exercises a pregnant woman can engage in that’ll definitely go a long way in reducing the pelvic pain and freeing up those joints to move more evenly.

What Is SPD?


Description: Pubic symphysis

SPD, or symphysis pubis dysfunction is a condition where the joint responsible for holding the left and right pelvic bone together, one of which is the pubic symphysis, stretches and allows the pelvic bones to move more than they’re supposed to. Pelvic bones shouldn’t move or shift that much and ligaments make sure they don’t. 

An expectant mother goes through changes including hormonal changes, causing the ligaments to loosen to make the joints flexible enough for the pelvic bones to open up during delivery. A wide range of motion in a pregnant woman’s pelvis can be really painful.

Is This Different From Pelvic Girdle Pain?

SPD is pain that has to do with the pubic symphysis, a joint that sits in the front of the pelvis and is held together by ligaments. Excessive movement through the pubic symphysis will cause SPD. PGP, pelvic girdle pain has to do with pain in the two pelvic joints at the back of the pelvis.

5 Reasons For SPD During Pregnancy

A woman feels pain when stress is added to the pubic symphysis joint during pregnancy. Here are 5 reasons a pregnant lady might experience SPD during pregnancy:

Postural changes

The human body naturally has a neutral alignment and pregnancy alters that alignment in a woman, mostly assuming a position of anterior pelvic tilt, where the pelvis is tipped forward and the body’s center of gravity is shifted. All these changes naturally add weight on the pelvis, more specifically, the pubic symphysis.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes happen when a lady is pregnant as it prepares her for childbirth. The hormone relaxin increases to relax the ligaments and joints in the pelvis, allowing for easier passage of the baby during delivery. However, this increased pelvic motion reduces the stability of the pubic symphysis joint, causing SPD.

Increased weight and pressure

As the fetus grows inside of the mother, so does the weight and pressure on her pelvis and symphysis pubis joint increase causing strain on the joint and contributing to her SPD.

10 Exercises To Relieve Spd In Pregnancy

10 Exercises To Relieve Spd In Pregnancy
10 Exercises To Relieve Spd In Pregnancy

Description: Pregnant woman doing prenatal yoga

It’s true that SPD doesn’t harm a lady’s pregnancy, but it does make her daily activities a hassle. SPD pregnancy workouts are based on strengthening the pelvic and abdominal muscles supporting the pelvis. These exercises help relieve pain in the pelvis and make life easier for a pregnant mother.

  1. Donkey Kicks

This is a great exercise for strengthening the glutes and core to help improve hip stability. It starts with the pregnant woman on all fours (i.e. on her hands and knees), with her hands and knees directly under her shoulders and hips, respectfully, and keeping her back straight and engaging her core muscles. Then, she lifts her right or left leg backwards, while keeping it bent at a 90-degree angle, and switching sides and repeating the same movement with the other leg.

  1. Side Plank or Modified Side Plank

Side planks or modified side planks are good for stabilizing the pelvis too, but they don’t always work their magic for everyone with SPD, particularly if they cause discomfort. It begins by lying down on the side with the legs extended and the bottom legs bent for stability and support. Then placing the forearm on the ground directly below the shoulder, lifting the hips off the ground, creating a straight line from the head to the feet. Hold the position for a few seconds, lower the hips back down, repeat the motion, and then switch sides.

  1. Pelvic Drops

This exercise goes to work on the gluteus medius muscles, located in the side of the hips and buttocks. The muscles commonly appear to be lacking strength in a lot of women and are the backbones (so to speak) of pelvic stability and walking. Working them out also does a lot of good for the knees and hips.

  1. Clams

This exercise begins with one lying on the side, knees bent, and head resting on the bottom arm. The top leg is lifted using the glutes and firmly engaging the core. The leg is then brought back down and the movement is repeated before switching sides. As long as the pelvis doesn’t move during the exercise, the core and glutes are strengthened, providing better stability.

  1. Bird Dogs

This exercise works effectively in helping pregnant women engage their cores correctly, and activate their glutes for better balance.

The other effective exercises to relieve pelvic pain are as follows:

  • Kneeling Squats (with ball)
  • Bridges With Yoga Ball
  • Pelvic Tilt (standing or lying down)
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing
  • Bent Knee Drop

Two Specific SPD Post-Pregnancy Exercises

Sometimes, SPD lingers for a few months after pregnancy as the body tries to reassume its initial posture. When recovering from symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), it helps a lot to focus on exercises that help restore strength and stability to the pelvic region. Here are two specific exercises to engage in, post-pregnancy:

Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels)

Pelvic floor exercises, precisely kegels, help strengthen the muscles that support the pelvic region, including the symphysis pubis joint. Engaging in frequent kegels result in restoring stability, reducing symptoms of SPD, and promoting overall pelvic health after pregnancy.

Transversus Abdominis Activation

Transversus abdominis activation exercises target the deep core muscles, including the transversus abdominis, which provides stability to the pelvic region. Strengthening these muscles takes care of SPD symptoms and promotes post-pregnancy recovery. Women are advised to remember to start these exercises gradually and listen to their bodies.

Are These Recommended By NHS?

Although, they don’t make mention of any specific spd pregnancy workout, the NHS recommends that pregnant women see a physiotherapist as early as possible if they have pelvic pain during pregnancy. Physiotherapy aims to  improve muscle function, improve pelvic joint position and stability, thereby relieving SPD. This could include exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, stomach, back and hip muscles equipment, if necessary, such as crutches or pelvic support belts.

Equipments To Use For SPD Exercises

Equipments To Use For SPD Exercises

Description: Pregnant woman on yoga mat

Exercises for SPD during pregnancy generally don’t need any specific equipment. With that said, there are a few pieces of equipment that help maximize the efficiency of those exercises. Here are a few of those equipments:

  • Exercise or Yoga Mat: It protects a pregnant woman’s joints, her pelvic floor, and helps to stay locked in when a lady is stretched in unstable positions. A pregnant woman will likely fall over while she’s attempting a new or difficult pose, that’s to be expected. A good quality mat prevents her from hurting herself when that does happen.
  • Exercise Ball: Can be used for various exercises during pregnancy. Exercise balls efficiently strengthen the body’s core stabilizer muscles and help a pregnant woman find her body’s natural gravity center. The unstable workout ball trains the core muscles to keep the body balanced as she works out. The ball also elevates the body, helping one to target smaller muscle groups that it would overlook on a flat surface.
  • Resistance Bands: Stretchable bands that provide resistance when stretched. They are lightweight, versatile, and can be used for strength training exercises targeting various muscle groups. Resistance bands can be beneficial for strengthening the hips, glutes, and legs, which can support the pelvis during SPD.
  • Maternity belts: Can be used as a supportive tool for managing symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) during pregnancy. These belts are designed to provide additional support and stability to the pelvic area, including the symphysis pubis joint.
  • Kegel Balls: Small weighted balls designed to be inserted into the vagina to aid in pelvic floor muscle exercises, including Kegel exercises. They can be used as a tool to enhance the effectiveness of pelvic floor exercises.

5 Exercises To Avoid

Description: Pregnant woman deep squatting

Women suffering from SPD during pregnancy would do well to avoid some exercises as they only put more pressure on the pelvic area and can actually be harmful to the pregnancy. The five exercises to avoid are

  • Single-leg exercises (exercises that require standing on one leg)
  • Exercises that involve heavy lifting or internal resistance training
  • Sit-ups or abdominal crunches
  • High-impact activities (jumping, running, etc.)
  • Deep squats or lunges

SPD can’t do damage to a pregnant woman, but it definitely will cause her a lot of pain and discomfort, and the SPD pregnancy workouts mentioned in this article are employed to reduce this pain. But if the pregnant woman do not know how to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy or if the pain doesn’t seem to reduce due to SPD, it’ll make more sense to visit an obstetrician for a hands-on diagnosis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should you not do with a pubic symphysis?

A: A woman with SPD shouldn’t move her legs apart too much, go up or down stairs, move too much, or sit in the same spot for too long.

Q: Can deep squats affect my pubic symphysis?

A: It’s best not to squat with SPD because there’s a risk of causing permanent damage.

Q: Can I continue doing cardio exercises with SPD?

A: Only low-impact cardio exercises, such as walking, swimming, or stationary cycling, are considered safe for SPD. Anything high impact, such as running, jumping, etc. can cause more pain.

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